CAS (Cannan Alexandar & Scott) was started by Daniel R. Cannan & Brock Alexander. Daniel R. Cannan, who started in the roofing & waterproofing industry in 1977, and Brock Alexander, who started in 1980, became the Carlisle representatives for Upstate NY in 1983 and the Soprema representatives in 1989. Together, they had the combined knowledge and vision to start Cannan & Alexander in September of 1999. By 2001, their Carlisle territory expanded into Central NY.
Over the years they expanded, adding new people and lines to the company. As a whole, the company now has lines for the whole building envelope; roofing, waterproofing, air barriers, claddings, insulation and more. In 2012, Kevin Scott became a partner in the company and the named changed to Cannan Alexander & Scott. The team now includes Kevin Sullivan, Dave Fitzpatrick, and Paige Cannan Holenbeck, and Brandon Clark.
With each building envelope project, CAS educates, informs, and consults with architects, building owners and contractors to increase awareness of construction products that emphasize sustainable and energy saving technologies. They assist with system design development, specifications, and installation trainings.
CAS, Cannan, Alexander & Scott, is a manufacturer's representative firm specializing in building envelope products for the commercial and residential building industry. We work with multiple manufacturers, only promoting products and technologies that are sustainable and energy saving, with a focus on the commercial building industry.